{ "adapters": [ { "model": "USB2Serial", "com": "/dev/cu.PL2303G-USBtoUART2110", // `ls -al /dev/cu.*` for Mac to find serial port or 'COM1' for windows "ports": [ { "id": "dten_board_d7", "name": "DTEN Board D7", "settings": { "baud_rate": 115200, // 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 115200, 230400, other will be customized "flow_control": 0, // 0-none, 1-software, 2-hardware, other will be none "parity": 0, // 0-none, 1-odd, 2-even, 3-mark, 4-space, other will throw invlid argument exception "data_bits": 8, // 5-fivebits, 6-sixbits, 7-sevenbits, 8-eightbits, other will throw invlid argument exception "stop_bits": 1 // 1-one, 2-two, 3-one_point_five, other will throw invlid argument exception }, "methods": [ { "id": "power", "name": "Power", "command": "\\x99\\xA2\\x01\\x01\\x27\\xAA\\xAA\\xAA", "type": "action" }, { "id": "volume", "name": "Volume", "command": "\\x99\\x01%\\xAA", "params": [ { "id": "up", "name": "Up", "value": "\\x17\\x01\\xE8" }, { "id": "down", "name": "Down", "value": "\\x18\\x01\\xE7" } ], "type": "actions" }, { "id": "sleep", "name": "Sleep", "command": "\\x99\\x01%\\xAA", "params": [ { "id": "confirm", "name": "Confirm", "value": "\\x26\\x01\\xD9" }, { "id": "exit", "name": "Exit", "value": "\\x14\\x01\\xEB" } ], "type": "actions" }, { "id": "mute", "name": "Mute", "command": "\\x99\\x01\\x02\\x01\\xFD\\xAA", "type": "action" }, { "id": "source", "name": "Input Source", "command": "\\x99\\x01%\\xAA", "params": [ { "id": "show", "name": "Show", "value": "\\x20\\x01\\xDF" }, { "id": "hide", "name": "Hide", "value": "\\x14\\x01\\xEB" } ], "type": "actions" } ] } ] } ], "styles": [ "dten_board_d7.main_method=power", "dten_board_d7.icon=icon_tv", "dten_board_d7.icon=icon_tv", "dten_board_d7.power.icon=icon_power", "dten_board_d7.volume.up.icon=icon_up", "dten_board_d7.volume.down.icon=icon_down" ] }